Detailed CV of Professor Yves-Marie Morissette

This translation is subject to a few touch-ups that I don’t have time to do right now.

Translator’s Notes:  I’m not verifying official English terms, titles, committee, course or department names. This translation is merely to make the CV essentially comprehensible in English.

According to the pdf of the French CV found online, (i.e., the version which I have here translated into English), the French CV was produced as a court exhibit on 14 February 2002, and numbered D-125. The odd pagination at the top is due to the fact that whoever typed it up used word-processing and didn’t know how to remove automatic pagination, which had been inserted starting not at page 1, but at page 12202. According to the small print at bottom-left of each PDF page (not reproduced in this English translation) this CV was on diskette, which is clear from the typical F:\ drive and was filed as PERSO\CV\CVFR. Directly under that, still in small print, we have a date in French of March 1st, 1996. This would seem to indicate that the 2002 version (translated here) was based on an earlier French CV of 1996.

Curriculum vitae détaillé du professeur Yves-Marie Morissette

Source (as found online): A copy of the original French CV can be downloaded here: Curriculum vitae détaillé du professeur Yves-Marie Morissette (2002)

Non-Official English Translation

D-125  Curriculum vitae du professeur Yves-Marie Morissette



Yves-Marie Morissette


Office: Faculty of law, McGill University,
3644 Peel Street, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada H3A 1W9
Telephone: (514) 398-6647
Fax: (514) 398-3233
Email address:
Home: 3009 Barar Road, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3Y 2H4
Telephone: (514) 937-7634


19 May 1951


Noranda, Province of Quebec, Canada




Married to Margriet Zwarts on 31 July 1982; father of one daughter, Màrieke Elisabeth, born 11 July 1991


French and English


– Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC),
  Collège Saint-Marie, Montreal, 1968
– Bachelor specialised in Political Science
  (Bac. sp. Poli. Sci.), University of
  Quebec at Montreal, 1972
– First law degree, with distinction (LL.L.),
  University of Montreal, 1973
– Doctor of Philosophy (D. Phil.). Oxford
  University, 1978 (Title of the doctoral
  thesis: Improperly Obtained Evidence
  other than Confessions — A Comparative


Certificate of professional aptitudes, Quebec Bar, 1977


Rhodes Scholarship for Quebec, 1973-6




D-125  Curriculum vitae du professeur Yves-Marie Morissette (suite)


– Research grant, Advisory Commission
   on Labor (Government of Quebec),
   September I984
– Research grant, Challenge ’87
   (Secretary of State, Canadian
   government), May 1987
– Research grant, Wainwright foundation,
   October 1987
– Research grant, Challenge ’88
   (Secretary of State, Canadian
   government), May 1988
– Édouard-Montpetit Medal, awarded by
   the Édouard-Montpetit Foundation,
   October 1994
– Research grant, Legal Research
   Foundation, March 1995
– Research grant, Wainwright
   Foundation, March 1995


– Quebec Bar, 1977
– Canadian Association of Law
   Professors, 1978-
– Quebec Association of Law Professors,
– Henri Capitant Association, 1979-
– Quebec Administrative Law Society,
– International Association of Legal
   Methodology, 1988-
– French Philosophy of Law Association,


Positions Occupied as a Student:


– Administrative trainee, Canadian
   International Development Agency,
   Training head office, Ottawa,
   May-August 1970
– Public Service Commission of Canada,
   Office of languages, Ottawa, May-
   August 1971
– Administrative trainee, Society for the
   Expansion of Exports, Ottawa,
   May-August 1972
– Legal trainee, Air Canada, Legal
   Department, Montreal, May-August
– Legal trainee, Minister of National
   Revenue, Legal Department, Ottawa,
   May-August 1974
– Research Attaché, Law Reform
   Commission of Canada, Montreal and
   Ottawa, June-September 1975
– Legal trainee, Stikeman, Elliott, Tamaki,
   Mercier & Robb, Montreal, (part-time
   employment), October 1976 – May




D-125  Curriculum vitae du professeur Yves-Marie Morissette (suite)


Subsequent functions and positions:


– Stikeman, Elliott, Tamaki, Mercier &
   Robb, lawyer-trainee, May-November

– McGill University, Faculty of Law,
   December 1977 –

– Assistant professor, December 1st,
   1977 – May 31st, 1981
– Qualified professor, June 1st, 1981 –
– Qualified professor with permanency,
   June 1st, 1985 –
– Vice-Dean of teaching, June 1st,
   1987 – May 31st, 1989
– Dean, June 1st, 1989 – May 31st,
– Full professor, June 1st, 1991 –




– Labour College of Canada, Ottawa

   –  Part-time lecturer in labor law,
      summer program, June-July 1980,
      1981, 1982

   –  University of Quebec at Montreal,
      Department of Legal Sciences

   –  Member, Advisory committee on the
      Master’s degree in legal sciences,

   –  Invited Lecturer on evidence in civil
      matters, February 1983

   –  Outside Member, Review Committee
      (renewals and promotions of
      teaching personnel, 1987-90)


– University of Montreal, Faculty of continuing education

   –  Part-time lecturer in law, autumn
   –  1982, in administrative law, winter
   –  Outside consultant, Evaluation
   –  Committee of the Research Center in
      public law, January-May 1988


– Quebec Association of Law Professors

   –  Member of the Board, 1982-84
   –  President, 1985-86


– Canadian Association of Law Professors,
      Co-president, law of evidence
      section, 1983-86


– Bar of Quebec,

   –  Member, Committee on professional
      training, 1984-89
   –  Person in charge of sector, Public
      law, 1985-87
   –  Person in charge of sector,
      Professional Ethics, 1987-89
   –  Member, Committee on equivalences,
   –  Member, Joint Committee on
      professional training, 1989-94
   –  Member, Sub-commission on the law
      of evidence, 1989-93
   –  Member, Professional Ethics
      Committee, 1995-


– Advisory commission on labor
  (Government of Quebec), in charge of
  project on the judicial control of labor
  tribunals, 1984-85




D-125  Curriculum vitae du professeur Yves-Marie Morissette (suite


– Research Assistance Funds –
  F.C.A.C. (Government of Quebec)

– Member, Jury on scholarships for
  higher learning in law, labor relations
  and criminology, 1984-86

– Quebec Bar Foundation

  – Member of the Board of Directors,
    1988 –
  – Vice President, 1992-
  – President, Orientation Committee on
    the Humanisation of Family Law,
    1995 –

– Council of Deans of Quebec Law

  – Member, 1989-94

– Canadian Council of Deans of Law

  – Member, 1989-
  – Secretary, 1992-3
  – President, 1993-4


Courses taught:


– Contracts II, 1977-78
– Comparative civil liability, 1978-79,
– Tutoring, first-year students,
– Labor Law I * 1978-85
– Administrative Law *. 1979-81
– Judicial Law, 1980-81
– Judicial Review of Administrative
  Action *, 1982-85, 1987-89,
– Labor Law II, 1981-83
– Judicial Law and Evidence *,
  1980-86, 1989-91, 1991-1992,
– Contracts IIA (shared course),
– National Civil Procedure (shared
  course), 1987-89
– Foundations of Canadian Law *,
  1992-93, 1993-94, 1995-96,
– The Legal Profession, 1995-97
– Research Seminar (Social Science
  Evidence and the Courts), 1995

(* courses occasionally taught in French)




D-125  Curriculum vitae du professeur Yves-Marie Morissette (suite


Theses directed:


Rochefort, Daniel. [Translation:] Evolution of the exercise of the power of surveillance and control of the superior courts over administrative labor tribunals, masters thesis. McGill University, 1985


Saran, Ajit, The Duty to Bargain in Good Faith – The Canadian Perspective, masters thesis. McGill University, 1985


Legrand, André, [Translation:] The lawyer and conflicts of interest with respect to civil liability insurance in Quebec law, masters thesis, McGill University, 1995.


Sylvain Fourcier, [Translation:] The process of grievance redress in the Canadian Armed Forces, masters thesis, McGill University, 1999.


Administrative and Research Responsibilities at the Faculty of Law:


– Member, 1977-79, Co-President, 1979-81, Admissions Committee

– Member, Examinations Committee, 1978-79

– Member, Advisory Committee, Research Center in
  Private and Comparative Law of Quebec, 1979-85

– Member, Advisory Committee on Budgetary
  Planning for the Faculty, 1980

– Professor in charge, McGill Law Journal, 1980-86

– Trustee and Secretary, Wainwright Foundation,
  1981-85, trustee (d’office), 1989-94, trustee

– Member, Committee on Professorial Candidates,

– Member, Special Committee on Evaluation Norms,

– Member, Preparatory Committee for the External
  Evaluation of the Faculty, 1987-88

– Member (d’office), Program Committee, 1987-89

– Member (d’office), Exam Committee, 1987-89

– Member (d’office), Readmissions Committee,

– Member, (d’office), Advisory Committee on the
  Law Library, 1989-94

– Co-Editor (d’office), Faculty of Law Newsletter,

– President (d’office), Committee on Renewals and
  Promotions, 1989-94

– President (d’office), Committee on Professorial
  Candidates, 1989-94

– President (d’office), Board of the Faculty of Law,

– Member, Computing Committee, 1995-96

– Member, Special Committee on a Library Project,




D-125  Curriculum vitae du professeur Yves-Marie Morissette (suite


Administrative and Research Responsibilities at the Faculty of Law:


– Legal adviser, Grievance committee for
  university teaching staff, 1981-83

– Member, Special Senate Committee on
  students’ rights, 1981-84

– Member, Rector’s advisory committee on
  the choice of a Dean for the Faculty
  of Law, 1983-84

– Member substitute, Appeals Committee
  on student discipline, 1984-85

– Designated legal adviser to the Dean of
  the Faculty of Education (a case of
  non-renewal of contract), 1982-83

– Designated legal adviser to the Dean of
  the Faculty of Dental Medicine, special
  Senate committee inquiring into the
  expulsion of a student, 1984-85

– President (d’office), Committee on
  renewals and promotions for
  the Faculty of Law, 1969-94

– Member (d’office), Senate of the
  University, 1989-94

– Member, special Senate committee on
  intellectual property within the
  University, 1990-94

– Member, Committee representing the
  University in the negotiation of a
  collective agreement for teaching
  assistants, 1993-95

– Member, Committee of the Board of
  Governors of the University on
  candidacies to the Board, 1994-

– Legal adviser, Grievance committee for
  students of the University, 1995-

– President, University Tenure Appeal
  Committee, 1999-


Articles and Notes


[Translation:] “New orientations in the legal facts of labour conflicts”, in Meredith Memorial Lectures: Developments in Canadian Labour Law, Toronto: Richard de Boo Ltd., 1981, pp. 98-128

[Translation:] The legal initiative doomed to failure and the responsibility of the lawyer or of his mandatary (1984) 44 Revue du Barreau, pp. 397-462

The Exclusion of Evidence Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: What to Do and What Not to Do” (1984) 29 McGill Law Journal, pp. 521-556

[Translation:] Professional secrecy in Quebec law: a thirty-nine-headed hydra bores into the law of evidence, [in collaboration with professor Daniel Shuman] (1984) 25 Les Cahiers de Droit, pp. 501-532




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– [Translation:] “Control of the ratione materiae jurisdiction: thesis, antithesis and synthesis”, (1985-86) 16 Sherbrooke University Law Review, pp. 591-644


– [Translation:] “The delays of justice considered from a viewpoint which favors them” (1987) 33 McGill Law Journal, pp. 137-151


– “The Evaluation of Bar Admission Candidates in Québec: Testing Knowledge and Testing Skills”.(1988), 6 The Journal of Professional Legal Education, pp. 1-21


– “Testing Professional Skills in the Quebec Bar Admission Programme” (1988), 57 The Bar Examiner, pp. 13-25


–  “Certain problems of applicability of the Charters of rights and freedoms in Quebec law” in Application of the Charters of Rights and Liberties in Civil Matters, 1988, Editions Yvon Blais, pp. 1-46


– [Translation:] “(De)judiciarisation, (de)juridicisation and access to justice” (1991), 51 Bar Review pp. 585-615 (also published as a monograph by Editions Yvons Blais, 1992, ISBN: 2-89073-806-X, 40 p.)


– Canada as a Post-Modern Kritarchy, or Why Should Judges Make Political Decisions?” (1994) 3 Inroads, pp. 144-155

[Partial reprint: The New Federation, July/August 1995, pp. 26-29]


– [Translation:] “The process of appointment of judges with regard to their ‘immense political patronage’”, (1994) 25 General Review of Law, pp. 307-312


– “Canada as a Post-Modern Kritarchy” (1998), 72 Australian Law Journal 72


– [Translation:] “The conciliation of differences – the values which Canadians share” (1998) Cahiers du fédéralisme, No 1, 7 pp., ISSN 1480-8072


– [Translation:] “Judicial independence and the Supreme Court: doubtful historical reconstruction and constitutional theory of convenience” (1998) 36 Osgoode Hall Law Journal pp. 485-514 (with Jean Leclair)


– [Translation:] The respective functions of professional ethics and natural justice in administrative justice, in “Recent Developments in administrative and constitutional law, Cowansville, Editions Yvon Blais, 1999, pp. 21-49


– [Translation:] “Current Figure of the Judge in the City” (1999), 30 Sherbrooke University Law Review, pp. 1-33




D-125  Curriculum vitae du professeur Yves-Marie Morissette (suite


–  [Translation:] “Some reference points on equality in a diversified society” (2000), 79 Canadian Bar Review, pp. 81-98




–  “An epistemology of law: The Welfare state of François Ewald”, (1987) 28 Les Cahiers de Droit, pp. 407-420

[ Reprint: (1987) 3 Droit prospectif  – Revue de la recherche juridique, pp. 809-821]


– [Translation:] Report: Dussault and Borgeat, Treatise of Administrative Law (1987), 1Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice, pp. 146-152


Contributions to collective works


– [Translation:] Bilingual vocabulary of the common law : Law of evidence (in collaboration with 14 co-authors), Ottawa: Canadian Bar Association, 1984 [loose-leaf publication]


– “Civil Procedure” and “Exammation for Discovery” in The Canadian Encyclopedia, Edmonton: Hurtig Publishers, 1st Edition, 1985; 2nd Edition, 1988.


–  “Civil Procedure” and “Preliminary Interrogatory” in The Canadian Encyclopedia, Montreal: Hurtig/Éditions de l’Homme, 1987, [translation by the author (Morissette) of the same texts]


– [Translation:] The principal cases in the law of civil evidence (with 10 collaborators), Montreal: Les Éditions Thémis, 1985, 597 p., reprinted 1990. [Law reports]


–  “The influence of French law on the law of evidence in Quebec” in Droit québécois et droit français: communauté, autonomie, concordance (work published under the direction of H. Patrick Glenn), Cowansville: Éditions Yvon Blais, 1993, pp. 423-446


“Title Nine: Evidence” in Québec Civil Law: An introduction to Québec Civil Law (a work under the direction of John E.C. Brierley and Roderick A. Macdonald), Toronto: Eamond Montgomery, 1993, pp. 687-698


– [Translation:] “Access to justice and fundamental rights as means and end” — Conference materials of the International colloquium of Port-Louis on reflectivity of fundamental rights in countries in the francophone community, Montreal/Paris: Éditions Éric Koehler for l’AUPELF-UREF, 1994, pp. 263-293




D-125  Curriculum vitae du professeur Yves-Marie Morissette (suite


“Review of the Administrative Record” in International Trade Disputes Settlement: Implications for Canadian Administrative Law (under the direction of Ivan R. Feltham), Ottawa, Commercial and political law centre, 1995, p. 53-85


Completed but unpublished manuscripts


HIV Infection, Aids and Privacy (in collboration with Norbert Gilmore, H. Patrick Glenn and Margaret A. Somerville). Research report prepared for the Center of medicine, ethics and law of McGill University, Montreal, 1988, 93 pp.


Aids and Confidentiality in the Context of Litigation (in collaboration with Norbert Gilmore, H. Patrick Glenn and Margaret A. Somerville). Research report prepared for the Center of medicine, ethics and law of McGill University, Montreal, 1988, 58 pp.


Coming (accepted for publication):


– [Translation:] “The Problem of Social Costs” (69 pp. s.i.), “Notes on the Problem of Social Costs” (33 pp. s.i.), “The institutional structure of production” (15 pp. s.i.) and “Presentation” (22 p. s.i.), translation, with an introduction, of “The Problem of Social Costs”, “Notes on the Problem of Social Costs” and The Institutional Structure of Production” by Ronald H. Coase, Presses Universitaires de France, Spring 2000.


– [Translation:] “The Notary and his Truth” (32 pp. s.i.), in [Translation:] The True and the False in Law” (collective work). Les Éditions Thérnis, Spring 2000


– [Translation:] “Two or three things that I know about her (legal rationality)” ( 18 pp. s.i.), McGill Law Journal; Spring 2000


– [Translation:] Respect for nuances in bijuridical translation from English to French, lecture delivered for the Society of Translators, Montreal, March 1979


A few new orientations on legal facts in labor disputes, communications subsequently published) presented in the framework of the Meredith Lectures, McGill University, October 1980


– The Duty to Bargain in Good Faith under Quebec Labour Law and its Effects on Quasi-Public Employers, lecture delivered for the Quebec Association of Protestant School Boards, Montreal, February 1982


– [Translation:] The reform of the prerogative writs in light of the Judicial Review Procedure Act“,




D-125  Curriculum vitae du professeur Yves-Marie Morissette (suite


communication presented to the [translation:] Institute of applied research on labor, November 1983


– [Translation:] Pathology and Therapeutic of the Recourse Doomed to Fail, communication (subsequently published) presented during the bi-annual meeting of the Tort and Civil Liability Section of the Canadian Association of Law Professors, Montebello, February 1984


– The Exclusion of Evidence under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: What to Do and What Not to Do, communication (subsequently published) presented to the Legal Evidence Section during the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Law Professors; Toronto, June 1984


– The judicial control of labor tribunals, qualitative and quantitative aspects, report presented to the Advisory commission on labor, Montreal, June 1985


– Control of the ratione materiae jurisdiction: thesis, antithesis and synthesis, communication (subsequently published) presented during a colloquium on administrative law held at Sherbrooke University, November 1985


– [Translation:] “The delays of justice considered from a viewpoint which favors them”, communication (subsequently published) presented during a colloquium on access to justice held at the University of Montreal, March 1987


– [Translation:] New methods of jurisdictional control in Quebec administrative law, lecture delivered to the Provincial Bar Association, Sherbrooke, November 1987


– Teaching and Testing Professional Skills in the Quebec Bar Admission[s] Programme, communication (subsequently published) presented during the bi-annual meeting of the National Conference of Bar Examiners (United States), Montreal, January 1988


– “Certain problems of applicability of the Charters of rights and freedoms in Quebec law”, communication (subsequently published) presented during a Permanent training colloquium of the Quebec Bar at Quebec and at Montreal, March 1988


– “The impact of the Dolphin Delivery case on Quebec private law”, lecture delivered for the provincial Bar Association, Val d’Or, May 1988


– [Translation:] The place of professional ethics, and of its cognitive content, in professional training, report presented to the Professional training committee of the Quebec Bar, October 1988


– [Translation:] The law of evidence in the reform of the Civil Code, lecture delivered during the




D-125  Curriculum vitae du professeur Yves-Marie Morissette


opening session of the annual conference of the Quebec Bar, Montreal, May 1989


– Nationalism and International Law, lecture delivered to the Canadian Movement for a world Federation, Montreal section, Montreal, November 1991


– [Translation:] Dejudiciarisation and Acces to Justice, lecture delivered to the Colloquium of revision offices of the [translation:] Health and Occupational Safety Commission [CSST], Montreal, May 1992


– [Translation:] The sanction of abusive recourses, lecture delivered in the framework of seminars for the magistrature at the Faculty of law of Laval University, Quebec, October 1992


– The Court System under the Canadian Constitution, exposé presented to a delegation of judges of the Constitutional Court of Austria, Montreal, May 1993


– Canada as a Post-Modem Kritarchy, speech delivered to the Graduate Society of McGill University, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, June 1993


– Fundamental rights and access to justice as means and as end, communication presented to the Colloquium of the AUPELF-UREF on reflectivity of fundamental rights, Port-Louis, Republic of Maurice, September 1993


– [Translation:] Quebec in the Canadian Constitution, exposé presented to the President of the Board of Legislation of the National Assembly of Vietnam and to a delegation .of jurists representing the Vietnamese government, Montreal, October 1993


– [Translation:] “The process of appointment of judges with regard to their ‘immense political patronage’”, communication presented to the Colloquium of the Quebec Association of comparative law. March 1994


– [Translation:] Professional and University Training in Law, lecture delivered to the Conference of the Quebec Association of Law Professors, April 1994


– A Reactionary Look at the Future of the Legal Profession, lecture delivered in the framework of the Conference on the Legal Profession and Legal Ethics, Calgary, June 1994


– The Origins of the Canadian Legal System and its Civil Law Tradition, exposé presented to the Minister of Justice of Vietnam and to a delegation of Vietnamese jurists, Montreal, September 1994


– [Translation:] Synthesis of work, closing exposé, Conference of the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice on “Transparency in the legal system”, Ottawa, October 1994


– Review of Administrative Records under NAFTA, communication (subsequently published)




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delivered in the framework of the colloquium Administrative Law Implications of Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in International Trade organized by the Center for Trade Policy and Law, Ottawa, November 1994


– Litigiousness, exposé presented in the framework of think-tank workshops of the Minister of Justice of Canada, Ottawa, February 1995


– [Translation:] The utilization of social science data in judicial decision-making, lecture delivered in the framework of the colloquium of the Minister of Justice of Canada on the social sciences and the law, Ottawa, March 1995


– [Translation:] North-American constitutional courses and social sciences data, exposé in the framework of the doctoral course in legal theory and public law. Faculty of law and political science at Aix-Marseille, March 1995


– [Translation:] The constitutional protection of freedom of religion in Canada, participation in a round table Study and Research Group on Constitutional Justice, Aix-en-Provence, March 1995


– [Translation:] The treatment of fact in the Anglo-American legal tradition, exposé in the framework of a doctoral course in judicial law, Faculty of Law and Political Science at Aix-Marseille, March 1995


–  The Resolution of Commercial Disputes in Western Legal Systems, with Special Emphasis on the Canadian Legal System, introductory course (5 half-loaded days) dispensed to judges of the Economic Court of Vietnam, Hanoi, May 1995


–  The Resolution of Commercial Disputes in Western Legal Systems, with Special Emphasis on the Canadian Legal System, introductory course (5 half-loaded days) dispensed to judges of the Economic Court of Vietnam, Danang, May 1995


– [Translation:] Expertise and partiality, two sides of the same coin?, communication presented during the annual meeting of the Judges of the Federal Court of Canada, National Institute of the Magistrature, Montebello, October 1995


– [Translation:] Three modest commentaries on the links between ethics, professional ethics and the law, lecture delivered to the Ccolloquium “Quality and continual improvement” of the Interprofessional Board of Quebec, Montreal, November 1995


– [Translation:] Judicial Notice of Socio-Economic Data in Family Law – Reply to Madam Judge L’Heureux-Dubé, lecture delivered to the Colloquium on Family Law of the National Institute of the Magistrarure, Quebec, February 1996




Random Quote

The social tyranny of extorting recantation, of ostracism and virtual outlawry as the new means of coercing the man out of line, is the negation of democracy.

— Justice Ivan Cleveland Rand of the Supreme Court of Canada, Canadian Bar Review (CBR)
The Judicial Madness Gallery
The Judicial Madness Image Gallery
"Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" — Juvénal, Satires, VI, 346.  En français : « Qui nous protègera contre ceux qui nous protègent ? »  In English: " Who will protect us from those who protect us? "

 — Mauro Cappelletti dans Louis Favoreu (dir.), Le pouvoir des juges, Paris, Economica, 1990, p. 115.
Le Spécialiste DOSSIER: Extreme Behavior
Yves-Marie Morissette's Poster Boy for 'Legalizing' Chemical Lobotomies: Valéry Fabrikant

Yves-Marie Morissette's Poster Boy for 'Legalizing' Chemical Lobotomies: Valéry Fabrikant

Judicial Madness Signature Video

Judicial Madness Signature Video & Sharing Buttons

Yves-Marie Morissette The Works The Mind
Judicial Declarations of Madness in Quebec Courts
On the “Rule of Law”
“In public regulation of this sort there is no such thing as absolute and untrammelled ‘discretion’, that is that action can be taken on any ground or for any reason that can be suggested to the mind of the administrator; no legislative Act can, without express language, be taken to contemplate an unlimited arbitrary power exercisable for any purpose, however capricious or irrelevant, regardless of the nature or purpose of the statute. Fraud and cor­ruption in the Commission may not be mentioned in such statutes but they are always implied as exceptions. ‘Discretion’ necessarily implies good faith in discharging public duty; there is always a perspective within which a statute is intended to operate; and any clear departure from its lines or objects is just as objectionable as fraud or corruption.”

— Mr. Justice Ivan Cleveland Rand writing in the most memorable passage in Roncarelli v. Duplessis, [1959] S.C.R. 121 at the Supreme Court of Canada, page 140.
Random Quote
Fears are mounting that the psychiatrist Anatoly Koryagin is near to death in the notorious jail of Christopol in central Russia. Letters that have reached the West from his wife and a friend indicate that he is so weak that unless he is given expert medical care he could die at any time. Dr. Koryagin has been in prison for the last four years for actively opposing the political abuse of psychiatry. The abuse takes the form of labeling dissidents as mad and forcibly treating them with drugs in mental hospitals.   ― Peter B. Reddaway, "The Case of Dr. Koryagin", October 10, 1985 issue of The New York Times Review of Books
"If we were lawyers, this would be billable time."
A Word on Caricature
“Humor is essential to a successful tactician, for the most potent weapons known to mankind are satire and ridicule.”

— “The Education of an Organizer”, p. 75, Rules for Radicals, A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals by Saul Alinsky, Random House, New York, 1971.

I am no fan of Saul Alinsky's whose methods are antidemocratic and unparliamentary. But since we are fighting a silent war against the subversive Left, I say, if it works for them, it will work for us. Bring on the ridicule!  And in this case, it is richly deserved by the congeries of judicial forces wearing the Tweedle suits, and by those who are accurately conducting our befuddled usurpers towards the Red Dawn.

— Admin, Judicial Madness, 22 March 2016.
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