Detailed CV of Dr. Jacques Gagnon (English) (2011)
Source: LES ANCIENS ET LES ANCIENNES du Collège de l’Assomption, Les membres du 121e cours (1953-1961-1976). Fascicule A-121, Première édition.
ISBN : 978-2-89679-121-1 (format brochure)
ISBN : 978-2-89679-121-2 (fichier PDF)
Dépôt légal :
Bibliothèque du Canada : 2e trimestre 2011 Bibliothèque du Québec : 2e trimestre 2011
L’Association des anciens et des anciennes du Collège de l’Assomption Mai 2011. Pour en savoir plus sur l’Association
Translator’s note: I’ve never translated a medical CV before, and I’m not sure what some of the original French means here.
— Non-Official English Translation —
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Jacques GAGNON, 121st course,
psychiatrist and professor
Originally from Montreal. Born in 1942.
Did his classical and philosophical studies at Collège de l’Assomption from 1954 to 1961.
After obtaining a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Montreal (Collège de l’Assomption) in 1961 and a doctorate in Medicine from the University of Montreal in 1965, he obtained his titles as specialist in psychiatry in the province of Quebec (C.S.P.Q.) and Associate Member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Canada (F.R.C.P.) in 1970. He did his last year of residency in Paris and has excellent memories of it.
In 2002-2003, he took particular training in insurance medicine and expertise at the University of Montreal.
Has taught psychiatry since the early 1970s in several programs and faculties, mainly to medical students and to residents in psychiatry. He contributed to the training of an entire generation of general practitioners in the family medicine programme of the University of Montreal. He still teaches in the framework of the microprogram of specialist medicine, aimed at training better medico-legal experts. Holds the title of assistant professor of private clinic at the University of Montreal.
In addition to a score of articles, he has participated in four editions of the textbook of psychiatry (1980, 1988,1999 and upcoming for 2013) used by the students of the three French-speaking universities of Quebec; this work is also distributed in Europe. His contribution related to the chapters on the psychiatric examination, medical psychology, psychotherapies, and in the edition in preparation, on labor. In the latter, he broaches the positive psychosocial aspects of work, the constraints (organization, interpersonal relations, values, etc.) and the maladies connected to them, as well as the problems of violence and harassment and certain legal aspects. He is also the author of a topical article published in the review Le Spécialiste (March 2008) bearing on querulousness, that is to say the behavior of people who endlessly seek to vindicate their honor which they feel has been trampled upon.
He recorded a 3-hour course relating to somatoform disorders, in February 2008, for the expert insurance physician programme.
Practise and Expertise
Practiced adult psychiatry at the Louis-H.-Lafontaine and Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospitals from 1970 to 2008, with hospitalized patients, users of the external private clinic and the day-hospital, and in the framework of the consultation-liaison.
He has devoted himself for nearly 16 years to the practice of civil medico-legal expertise, initially part-time and now, as his sole activity. Solicitations come (from the areas of) health in the workplace, assessment of aptitude to follow an occupation, and litigation (law suits against professionals or establishments) in cases concerned at various courts, including Superior Court, the CLP, the TAQ and other administrative tribunals, in addition to labor arbitration. He takes a great deal of pleasure in defending his files before a court. One of his most memorable experiences was that related to a querulous female lawyer.
Is he thinking of retiring? Eventually… in a few years.
Administrative Functions
He was head of the Department of Psychiatry at L.-H.-Lafontaine for 3 years and for 14 years at Maisonncuve-Rosemont, where he was involved in management, and numerous committees: hospital, university and regional.
He was a jury member for examinations of the Royal College and the College of Physicians of Quebec. He also took part in the professional inspection committee and paid practice assessment visits to establishments and private offices. He sat on the Board of examiners for patients detained in virtue of the Criminal Code. He also chaired a conference of the Association of Physician-psychiatrists of Quebec.
There you have it, the essentials of a professional career well lived, approaching its point of destination.
He shares his life with Lisette CATY.
Biography updated: 6 February 2011.