Posts Tagged ‘Quebec’

2010 – Congrès annuel du Barreau du Québec : Seul devant la Cour par Maria De Michele

2010 - Quebec Bar Annual Conference : Alone Before the Court by Maria De Michele Foreword This featured item is an exclusive English translation of an article in French by Maître Maria De Michele, "Directeur du Contentieux du Fonds d’assurance responsabilité professionnelle du Barreau du Québec" (translation: Director of the Legal Department of the Professional Insurance Funds for the Quebec Bar). The French article translated here, "Seul devant la Cour", was featured at the 2010 annual

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»  Lexicon of Civil Procedure (Quebec)

Nota bene:  The OCR of this dictionary is in progress, please be patient. Bookmark and check back. Thank you. English and French Lexicon of Civil Procedure (Quebec) Lexique français et anglaisde procédure civile École du Barreau (Quebec Bar School) - A - acceptance acceptation accounting reddition de compte accounting party rendant accounts payable (trade) comptes-fournisseurs

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Tweedle Yves and Tweedle Évens

Lawyer Yves-Marie Morissette on his own cannot declare people crazy. Dr. Évens Villeneuve on his own knows no law. But, together, Yves supplies Évens with the alleged “symptoms” (alleged abusive litigation), and Évens obligingly declares Yves's target litigants “crazy”. Even more fun, neither Yves nor Évens has ever met the litigants.

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Barreau du Québec c. Siminski (English) (1999)

WARNING This is NOT an official Law Report. You cannot present this page in court, by photocopying or otherwise. If you need this report for a case, you must get the official law report. For this purpose, you may inquire with a Reference Librarian at an accredited (i.e., university) law library. -- Non-Official English Translation -- Barreau du Québec v. Siminski 12 May 1999, Superior Court REJB 1999-12677 – Full Text   Superior Court (Civil Division) C A

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Translation: 2009-05-26 Committee

-- Non-Official English -- This is a quick English translation, hopefully sufficient to shed light for English speakers on how the "quarrelsomeness" provisions came to be added to the Quebec Code of Civil Procedure. If someone would like to volunteer to correct this, or to put more French Hansard into English, be pleased to hear from you. Translation: 2009-05-26 (Hansard) of theCommittee on Institutions Final Version 39th Legislature, 1st Session (January 13, 2009 to February 22,

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Secret Trials in the Family Division

EXTRACT   Updated to 1 September 2015 © Éditeur officiel du Québec This document has official status. [Only online by the government]   Chapter C-25 Code of Civil Procedure BOOK I GENERAL PROVISIONS TITLE I INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS [...] 13. The sittings of the courts are public wherever they may be held, but the court may order that they be held in camera in the interests of good morals or public order. However, in family matters, sittings in first instance

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Collected Highlights from Hansard

Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire, ce mot-là? ... «Quérulence» What does that word mean? ...“Querulousness” Exclusive English translation of Hansard for Judicial Madness Maître Paul Bégin :  Et je voudrais dire que, quand on plaide que le citoyen ne comprendra pas, il y a un problème dans cet argument-là, parce que, si les citoyens ne sont pas des spécialistes, par hypothèse, ils ne connaissent pas le Code. Alors, quand ils vont prendre connaissance du

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2008-10-07 Committee on Institutions

Journal des débats (Hansard)of the Committee on InstitutionsVersion finale 38th Legislature, 1st Session (May 8, 2007 au November 5, 2008) Tuesday, October 7, 2008 - Vol. 40 N° 61 Consultations particulières sur le projet de loi n° 99 - Loi modifiant le Code de procédure civile pour prévenir l'utilisation abusive des tribunaux et favoriser le respect de la liberté d'expression et la participation des citoyens aux débats publics Table des matières Remarques préliminaires

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L’article 46 C.p.c., pouvoirs « inhérents » des cours du Québec

EXTRAIT   À jour au 1er septembre 2015 © Éditeur officiel du Québec Ce document a valeur officielle. [Seulement quand en ligne par le gouvernement] Chapitre C-25 Code de procédure civile LIVRE I DISPOSITIONS GÉNÉRALES TITRE II LES TRIBUNAUX CHAPITRE III DES POUVOIRS DES TRIBUNAUX ET DES JUGES SECTION I POUVOIRS GÉNÉRAUX 46. Les tribunaux et les juges ont tous les pouvoirs nécessaires à l'exercice de leur compétence. Ils peuvent, en tout temps

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Article 46 C.C.P., “inherent” powers of Quebec courts

EXTRACT   Updated to 1 September 2015 © Éditeur officiel du Québec This document has official status. [Only online by the government]   Chapter C-25 Code of Civil Procedure BOOK I GENERAL PROVISIONS TITLE II THE COURTS CHAPTER III POWERS OF COURTS AND JUDGES SECTION I GENERAL POWERS 46. The courts and judges have all the powers necessary for the exercise of their jurisdiction. They may, at any time and in all matters, whether in first instance or

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“La personnalité juridique” dans le Code civile du Québec, extrait à jour au 1er septembre 2015

EXTRAIT © Éditeur officiel du Québec À jour au 1er septembre 2015 [Ce document a valeur officielle seulement quand en ligne par le gouvernement.] CODE CIVIL DU QUEBEC DISPOSITION PRÉLIMINAIRE Le Code civil du Québec régit, en harmonie avec la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne (chapitre C-12) et les principes généraux du droit, les personnes, les rapports entre les personnes, ainsi que les biens. Le code est constitué d'un ensemble de règles qui, en toutes matières

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Section III – Code of Civil Procedure (Updated to 1 September 2015)

EXTRACT   Updated to 1 September 2015 © Éditeur officiel du Québec Ce document a valeur officielle. [Only when online by the government]   Chapter C-25 BOOK I GENERAL PROVISIONS TITLE II THE COURTS CHAPTER III POWERS OF COURTS AND JUDGES SECTION III POWER TO IMPOSE SANCTIONS FOR IMPROPER USE OF PROCEDURE This Section is inserted by section 2 of chapter 12 of the Statutes of 2009 (An Act to amend the Code of Civil Procedure to prevent improper use of the

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Le Juge Yves-Marie Morissette de la Cour d’appel: La référence en quérulence au Québec par “Le Commission Papillon”

FEATURED GUEST ARTICLE Judge Yves-Marie Morissette of the Court of Appeal: the Reference on Querulence in Quebec By "The Papillon Task Force" La Commission Papillon - La carte cachée d'une faction corrompue du système de justice Québécois The Papillon Task Force -- The Hidden Card of a Corrupt Faction in the Quebec Justice System Introduction Qu’est-ce que c'est, la Commission Papillon? What is the PapillonTask Force? Dans ce qui s’apprête à

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Ontologie de la quérulence

The Ontology of Quarrelsomeness This featured item is an exclusive English translation of an interview in French with Yves-Marie Morissette by Myriam Jézéquel, a researcher who writes for the Quebec Bar Review. The original French article appeared under the title, "Ontologie de la quérulence" in Volume 34, Number 8 of the Quebec Bar Review on May 1st, 2002. Any flaws in the English translation are entirely our fault; Ms. Jézéquel and the Quebec Bar Association have nothing to do with it.

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Querulous Or Vexatious Litigants, A Disorder Of A Modern Legal System?

ENGLISH OCR underway.Bookmark and check back.Thank you.   Or download the PDF onlineSource:Querulous Or Vexatious Litigants, A Disorder Of A Modern Legal System? 2013 Presentation Paper Querulous Or Vexatious Litigants, A Disorder Of A Modern Legal System? by Yves-Marie Morissette, Court of Appeal of Quebec, Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers Banff CACE lOth Annual Conférence / 10e conférence annuelle de l’ACAE   Introduction Nature of the problem: Some self-represented

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Pathology and Therapeutic of the
Warlike Litigant

Foreword This featured item is an exclusive English translation of an article in French by Yves-Marie Morrissette, Rhodes Scholar and legal adviser to the veiled Communist Parti Québécois (PQ). (You can read the PQ's Communist manifesto of 1972 or download it from the sidebar at CANADA How The Communists Took Control.) The French article translated here, Pathologie et thérapeutique du plaideur trop belliqueux, first appeared in 2001 in volume 155 of a yearly journal of the Quebec Bar Association.

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Welcome to JudicialMadness

Judges are declaring lawyerless litigants “crazy” from the bench in Quebec! [UPDATED 6 May 2016] This is a new website, by a team of one in Montreal, Canada. My objective here is to focus on a subject of grave concern for the average individual who may choose to pursue his or her own interests at court without a lawyer. In Quebec, for nearly two decades, one man has successfully pushed the legal system into adopting an arbitrary and despotic approach to pro-se litigants, meaning lawyerless

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Random Quote

The social tyranny of extorting recantation, of ostracism and virtual outlawry as the new means of coercing the man out of line, is the negation of democracy.

— Justice Ivan Cleveland Rand of the Supreme Court of Canada, Canadian Bar Review (CBR)
The Judicial Madness Gallery
The Judicial Madness Image Gallery
"Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" — Juvénal, Satires, VI, 346.  En français : « Qui nous protègera contre ceux qui nous protègent ? »  In English: " Who will protect us from those who protect us? "

 — Mauro Cappelletti dans Louis Favoreu (dir.), Le pouvoir des juges, Paris, Economica, 1990, p. 115.
Le Spécialiste DOSSIER: Extreme Behavior
Yves-Marie Morissette's Poster Boy for 'Legalizing' Chemical Lobotomies: Valéry Fabrikant

Yves-Marie Morissette's Poster Boy for 'Legalizing' Chemical Lobotomies: Valéry Fabrikant

Judicial Madness Signature Video

Judicial Madness Signature Video & Sharing Buttons

Yves-Marie Morissette The Works The Mind
Judicial Declarations of Madness in Quebec Courts
On the “Rule of Law”
“In public regulation of this sort there is no such thing as absolute and untrammelled ‘discretion’, that is that action can be taken on any ground or for any reason that can be suggested to the mind of the administrator; no legislative Act can, without express language, be taken to contemplate an unlimited arbitrary power exercisable for any purpose, however capricious or irrelevant, regardless of the nature or purpose of the statute. Fraud and cor­ruption in the Commission may not be mentioned in such statutes but they are always implied as exceptions. ‘Discretion’ necessarily implies good faith in discharging public duty; there is always a perspective within which a statute is intended to operate; and any clear departure from its lines or objects is just as objectionable as fraud or corruption.”

— Mr. Justice Ivan Cleveland Rand writing in the most memorable passage in Roncarelli v. Duplessis, [1959] S.C.R. 121 at the Supreme Court of Canada, page 140.
Random Quote
Fears are mounting that the psychiatrist Anatoly Koryagin is near to death in the notorious jail of Christopol in central Russia. Letters that have reached the West from his wife and a friend indicate that he is so weak that unless he is given expert medical care he could die at any time. Dr. Koryagin has been in prison for the last four years for actively opposing the political abuse of psychiatry. The abuse takes the form of labeling dissidents as mad and forcibly treating them with drugs in mental hospitals.   ― Peter B. Reddaway, "The Case of Dr. Koryagin", October 10, 1985 issue of The New York Times Review of Books
"If we were lawyers, this would be billable time."
A Word on Caricature
“Humor is essential to a successful tactician, for the most potent weapons known to mankind are satire and ridicule.”

— “The Education of an Organizer”, p. 75, Rules for Radicals, A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals by Saul Alinsky, Random House, New York, 1971.

I am no fan of Saul Alinsky's whose methods are antidemocratic and unparliamentary. But since we are fighting a silent war against the subversive Left, I say, if it works for them, it will work for us. Bring on the ridicule!  And in this case, it is richly deserved by the congeries of judicial forces wearing the Tweedle suits, and by those who are accurately conducting our befuddled usurpers towards the Red Dawn.

— Admin, Judicial Madness, 22 March 2016.
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